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AnnouncementRegistration for CLEF 2007 is now open.
Clarification on run submissions for the English task
About the TrackThe goal of the CLEF Cross-Language Speech Retrieval (CL-SR) track is to develop and evaluate systems for ranked retrieval of spontaneous conversational speech. The track is coordinated by the University of Maryland and Dublin City University. In 2005, the track built a reusable test collection for searching spontaneous conversational English speech using queries in five languages (Czech, English, French, German and Spanish), speech recognition for spoken words, manually and automatically assigned controlled vocabulary descriptors for concepts, dates and locations, manually assigned person names, and hand-written segment summaries. 2005 CLEF CL-SR Track Report In CLEF CL-SR 2006, 30 new search topics were developed for the same collection, and an improved ASR transcript with better accuracy for the same set of testimonies was added. This made it possible to validate the retrieval techniques that were shown to be effective with topics used in 2005, and to further explore the influence of ASR accuracy on the retrieval effectiveness. The CLEF 2006 CL-SR track also added a new task of searching Czech interviews. 2006 CLEF CL-SR Track Report Participation in the track is very easy - at a minimum, teams can treat it as a simple CLIR (or even monolingual IR) task. One of our central goals is to create a community that has both interest in and experience with IR in collections of spontaneous conversational speech. Coordinators
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